
News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S. Over Last Two Decades

News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S. Over Last Two Decades Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S.Over Last Two Decades
Increase in Obesity and Hypertension are Likely Contributors

Keywords for this release: gout, obesity, hypertension, inflammatory arthritis, rheumatology, rheumatologist

A new study shows the prevalence of gout in the U.S.has risen over the last twenty years and now affects 8.3 million (4%) Americans.Prevalence of increased uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) also rose, affecting 43.3 million (21%) adults in the U.S.Greater frequency of obesity and hypertension may be a*sociated with the jump in prevalence rates according to the findings now available in Arthritis & Rheumatism, a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).

Gout, an inflammatory arthritis triggered by crystallization of uric acid within the joints, causes severe pain and swelling.Medical evidence suggests that gout is strongly a*sociated with metabolic syndromea group of health conditions characterized by central obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and blood lipid issuesand may lead to heart attack, diabetes and premature death.Prior research found that gout incidence in the U.S.more than doubled from the 1960s to 1990s.

«Our study aim was to determine if the prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia among U.S.adults has continued to climb in the new millennium,» said Dr.Hyon Choi, Professor of Medicine in the Section of Rheumatology and the Clinical Epidemiology Unit at Boston University School of Medicine in Ma*sachusetts and senior investigator of the present study.

Researchers analyzed data from the latest U.S.National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which was conducted in 2007 and 2008, comparing the data with those from previous NHANES surveys (1988-1994).There were 5,707 participants who completed the most recent NHANES survey which included questions regarding history of gout diagnosed by a healthcare professional.Researchers defined hyperuricemia as serum urate level greater than 7.0 mg/dL in men and 5.7 mg/dL in women.

Results from the nationally-representative sample of adult Americans suggest gout and hyperuricemia remain prevalent in the U.S.and compared to earlier NHANES data was 1% and 3% higher, respectively.After adjusting for obesity or hypertension, the differences in prevalence rates were substantially lessened.Further analysis revealed that gout prevalence was higher in men (6%) compared to women (2%); hyperuricemia occurred in 21.2% of men and 21.6% of women.

Dr.Choi concluded, «We found that the prevalences of gout and hyperuricemia continue to be substantial in the population.Improvements in managing modifiable risk factors, such as obesity and hypertension, could help prevent further escalation of gout and hyperuricemia among Americans.»

Full citation:
«Prevalence of Gout and Hyperuricemia in the US General Population.» Yanyan Zhu, Bhavik J Pandya, Hyon K Choi." Arthritis & Rheumatism; Published Online: July 28, 2011 (DOI: 10.1002/art.30520).
News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S.Over Last Two Decades

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#155: Vegan Brownies

#155:	Vegan Brownies

My husband is trying veganism so what better way to celebrate than to bake vegan brownies.В  I searched the internet yesterday and decided to make the recipe for Scrum-Diddly-Umptious Vegan Brownies onВВ  What I liked about the recipe was that it didn’t require out of the ordinary things like garbanzo flour.В  I have some vegan cookbooks at home but I will have to get the pantry stocked with uber healthy things like that before I can try those recipes.В 

It was 7 pm last night and I told my husband I was going to bakeВ brownies.В  He said, «Isn’t it kind of late?»В  Silly question.В В IT’S NEVER TOO LATE (OR TOO EARLY) TO BAKE BROWNIES!В  IВ really thing baking is fun and I’ve been baking brownies since I was a kid.В  Granted, I started wth box mixes but even from scratch they are super easy, quick andВ forgiving.

What I liked about the brownies: they were moist, had a nice surprise of chocolate in bursts when you bit into a chocolate chip.В  They were chewy in a kind of wh*lesome way.В  They were sweeet enough.В  The nuts added good flavor and texture.В  They had a nice deep, brown color.

What I didn’t like so much: I have to sayВ that apple sauce in a brownie kind of ruins it but I guess you need that if you don’t use eggs.В  My little sister always used to substitute apple sauce for oilВ with the brownie mix.В  It does cut down on fat and of course it’s healthy!В  I didn’t have any wh*le wheat flour so I used white.В  I think I would have liked it better (andВ  they would have been healthier) had I used wh*le wheat.В  I didn’t have raw sugar so I used brown sugar.В  I don’t know that I like brown sugar in a brownie.В  Its’s all aboutВ chocolate when it comes to browniesВ and I feel like brown sugar makes it taste too mola*ses-like.В  I’m a big fan ofВ the brown sugar taste in oatmeal or chocolate chip cookies.В  The recipe called for optional cinnamon which I left out.В  Again, it’s all about the chocolate.

What I’d do next time: I think I might add a tiny bit of oil or earth balance to make it a little richer.В  There was no oil in the recipe.В В I will definitely use wh*le wheat flour,В add aВ  little extra vanilla, and use raw not brown sugar.В  The recipe called for only 1/2 cup which is good.В  I might even lower it to 1/3 or 1/4 cup.В В 

As the maxim goes, you don’t always get what you want, but you get what you need.В  The good thing about healthy/healthier baked goods is that they might not taste as outstanding as unhealthy baked goods but that’s a good thing when you are a baked goodsВ addict like me.В  I have been known to eat an entire pan of brownies in one sitting.В  I had two small browniesВ last night (which is still tooВ mmuch!).В  I sat there eating themВ thinking «It tastes kind of weird, I don’t like it that much.В » And I still had two!Good grief.

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OK: negligence &amp; breach of contract alleged: courts applied 2 year limitations for negligence.(Hospital Law Case of the Month)(Case overview): An article from: Hospital Law's Regan Report This digital document is an article from Hospital Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on June 1, 2009.The length of the article is 606 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser.

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Author: A.David Tammelleo This digital document is an article from Hospital Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on March 1, 2011.The length of the article is 842 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser. Learn about one of Nature's most powerful remedies - Essential Oils.Written by an internationally recognized holistic veterinarian with detailed descriptions of remedies for the most common ailments of cats, dogs, and horses.
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