
News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S. Over Last Two Decades

News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S. Over Last Two Decades Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S.Over Last Two Decades
Increase in Obesity and Hypertension are Likely Contributors

Keywords for this release: gout, obesity, hypertension, inflammatory arthritis, rheumatology, rheumatologist

A new study shows the prevalence of gout in the U.S.has risen over the last twenty years and now affects 8.3 million (4%) Americans.Prevalence of increased uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) also rose, affecting 43.3 million (21%) adults in the U.S.Greater frequency of obesity and hypertension may be a*sociated with the jump in prevalence rates according to the findings now available in Arthritis & Rheumatism, a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).

Gout, an inflammatory arthritis triggered by crystallization of uric acid within the joints, causes severe pain and swelling.Medical evidence suggests that gout is strongly a*sociated with metabolic syndromea group of health conditions characterized by central obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and blood lipid issuesand may lead to heart attack, diabetes and premature death.Prior research found that gout incidence in the U.S.more than doubled from the 1960s to 1990s.

«Our study aim was to determine if the prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia among U.S.adults has continued to climb in the new millennium,» said Dr.Hyon Choi, Professor of Medicine in the Section of Rheumatology and the Clinical Epidemiology Unit at Boston University School of Medicine in Ma*sachusetts and senior investigator of the present study.

Researchers analyzed data from the latest U.S.National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which was conducted in 2007 and 2008, comparing the data with those from previous NHANES surveys (1988-1994).There were 5,707 participants who completed the most recent NHANES survey which included questions regarding history of gout diagnosed by a healthcare professional.Researchers defined hyperuricemia as serum urate level greater than 7.0 mg/dL in men and 5.7 mg/dL in women.

Results from the nationally-representative sample of adult Americans suggest gout and hyperuricemia remain prevalent in the U.S.and compared to earlier NHANES data was 1% and 3% higher, respectively.After adjusting for obesity or hypertension, the differences in prevalence rates were substantially lessened.Further analysis revealed that gout prevalence was higher in men (6%) compared to women (2%); hyperuricemia occurred in 21.2% of men and 21.6% of women.

Dr.Choi concluded, «We found that the prevalences of gout and hyperuricemia continue to be substantial in the population.Improvements in managing modifiable risk factors, such as obesity and hypertension, could help prevent further escalation of gout and hyperuricemia among Americans.»

Full citation:
«Prevalence of Gout and Hyperuricemia in the US General Population.» Yanyan Zhu, Bhavik J Pandya, Hyon K Choi." Arthritis & Rheumatism; Published Online: July 28, 2011 (DOI: 10.1002/art.30520).
News Release: Gout Prevalence Swells in U.S.Over Last Two Decades

Corey Taylor takes over Q101.1!

Homosexual Fish

Homosexual Fish I have been on the road now for over a month and will still be either travelling to Istanbul, or in Istanbul, or on my way back, until early October and so while driving through Sweden (yes en route) I put the following thoughts on paper and now 3 weeks later in Croatia found time [...]
Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy

#155: Vegan Brownies

#155:	Vegan Brownies

My husband is trying veganism so what better way to celebrate than to bake vegan brownies.В  I searched the internet yesterday and decided to make the recipe for Scrum-Diddly-Umptious Vegan Brownies onВВ  What I liked about the recipe was that it didn’t require out of the ordinary things like garbanzo flour.В  I have some vegan cookbooks at home but I will have to get the pantry stocked with uber healthy things like that before I can try those recipes.В 

It was 7 pm last night and I told my husband I was going to bakeВ brownies.В  He said, «Isn’t it kind of late?»В  Silly question.В В IT’S NEVER TOO LATE (OR TOO EARLY) TO BAKE BROWNIES!В  IВ really thing baking is fun and I’ve been baking brownies since I was a kid.В  Granted, I started wth box mixes but even from scratch they are super easy, quick andВ forgiving.

What I liked about the brownies: they were moist, had a nice surprise of chocolate in bursts when you bit into a chocolate chip.В  They were chewy in a kind of wh*lesome way.В  They were sweeet enough.В  The nuts added good flavor and texture.В  They had a nice deep, brown color.

What I didn’t like so much: I have to sayВ that apple sauce in a brownie kind of ruins it but I guess you need that if you don’t use eggs.В  My little sister always used to substitute apple sauce for oilВ with the brownie mix.В  It does cut down on fat and of course it’s healthy!В  I didn’t have any wh*le wheat flour so I used white.В  I think I would have liked it better (andВ  they would have been healthier) had I used wh*le wheat.В  I didn’t have raw sugar so I used brown sugar.В  I don’t know that I like brown sugar in a brownie.В  Its’s all aboutВ chocolate when it comes to browniesВ and I feel like brown sugar makes it taste too mola*ses-like.В  I’m a big fan ofВ the brown sugar taste in oatmeal or chocolate chip cookies.В  The recipe called for optional cinnamon which I left out.В  Again, it’s all about the chocolate.

What I’d do next time: I think I might add a tiny bit of oil or earth balance to make it a little richer.В  There was no oil in the recipe.В В I will definitely use wh*le wheat flour,В add aВ  little extra vanilla, and use raw not brown sugar.В  The recipe called for only 1/2 cup which is good.В  I might even lower it to 1/3 or 1/4 cup.В В 

As the maxim goes, you don’t always get what you want, but you get what you need.В  The good thing about healthy/healthier baked goods is that they might not taste as outstanding as unhealthy baked goods but that’s a good thing when you are a baked goodsВ addict like me.В  I have been known to eat an entire pan of brownies in one sitting.В  I had two small browniesВ last night (which is still tooВ mmuch!).В  I sat there eating themВ thinking «It tastes kind of weird, I don’t like it that much.В » And I still had two!Good grief.

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The Ojai Cook Lemonaise Light 12 Oz.

A site to visit. "thisisms"

A site to visit. "thisisms" There are some really good theories being discussed on above site recently, these are themindsets that need to be accessed, as we as a group (ms diagnosed) know an awful lot more than anybody has realised.

Some really good stuff many subjects, its really quite uplifting to watch and focus is not on ccsvi, and that allows others to speak.

I'm so pleased, they will now get somewhere as I have

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It is a concept difficult to understand, this thing called conscience.It bows to no orders or dictates, it comes and goes as it will and leaves behind smoky trails that we are uncomfortable with.Try to define it and it slips through our fingers.Try to ignore it, yet it makes its presence felt without any prior notice.It will come to us at all hours of the day or night, and stick like a thorn under the skin.Can we define it as the small voice inside us?that whispers в

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OK: negligence &amp; breach of contract alleged: courts applied 2 year limitations for negligence.(Hospital Law Case of the Month)(Case overview): An article from: Hospital Law's Regan Report

OK: negligence &amp; breach of contract alleged: courts applied 2 year limitations for negligence.(Hospital Law Case of the Month)(Case overview): An article from: Hospital Law's Regan Report This digital document is an article from Hospital Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on June 1, 2009.The length of the article is 606 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: OK: negligence & breach of contract alleged: courts applied 2 year limitations for negligence.(Hospital Law Case of the Month)(Case overview)
Author: A.David Tammelleo This digital document is an article from Hospital Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on March 1, 2011.The length of the article is 842 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser. Learn about one of Nature's most powerful remedies - Essential Oils.Written by an internationally recognized holistic veterinarian with detailed descriptions of remedies for the most common ailments of cats, dogs, and horses.
Essential Oils for Natural Pet Care: Cats, Dogs, Horses

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Cheney Shoots Everybody in the Face

Cheney Shoots Everybody in the Face

Today the book is #1 at (the reader reviews are worth a look).Cheney’s been making the talk show rounds, trying to whip wacko neocons into a reading frenzy so he can supplement his $132K a year from the government and $30 million retirement package from Halliburton with some juicy royalties.(Speculation was that his book advance was around $2 million.)

Cheney spares nobody.He trashes Condoleezza Rice by describing her as naГ


African American Blood Pressure: Differences Between Blacks And Whites - Huffington Post

African American Blood Pressure: Differences Between Blacks And Whites - Huffington Post
African American bodily fluid Pressure : Differences Between Blacks And Whites Huffington Post One of the more puzzling medical phenomena is the question of why African Americans wealthy person a significantly higher frequency of disease and change related to high bodily fluid pressure than everyone else in the world.ahead till now, research has been devoted to type A ...Cell response 'explains higher levels of cardiovascular disease in African-Americans' Barchester care all 3 news articlesВ » Link To Article

Malice intensifies the pain


COLLATERAL AND HIGH YIELDS ARE THE COST OF MARILIZARDISM! Finland's demand for collateral must be respected.Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen
can't back down on the collateral demand as his government would likely
collapse.That could mean new elections quite soon with euroskeptic Finns party
coming to power.Fuehrer Merkozy knows that only stupid investors would squander
their money in a country addicted to kleptocracy, socialism, charge stacking,
and marilizardism.

Finland does not trust marilizardist countries.Governments of many repressed
countries, such as Greece, use marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens.
Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Marilizard
Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people, Marilizard Tower is a
stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger, and marilizardism is terrorizing
dissident bloggers.October 18 is the international day against marilizardism,
and October-18 Mafia is the marilizardist government of Greece.he doesn't like marilizardism.Global Tax Revolt was the first organization
that reported the October-18 2010 fiasco to all banks, hedge funds, big
investors, traders, and analysts.

As a result, the yields of Greek treasury bonds skyrocketted, as no prudent
investor was willing to touch them.Marilizard's stupidity cost October-18
Mafia many billions of euros!The only thing October-18 Mafia got out of this
fiasco is toilet paper in the form of worthless Greek treasury bonds!CCU jail
needs toilet paper anyhow!.

Katainen can't say that it will be today, but this is a matter of days, weeks
because other countries' parliaments will start to discuss the Greek bailout
package.The collateral issue must be resolved before that. There is no way any
prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, which is
infested with marilizardism, the October-18 Mafia, charge stacking, and the
cancer of socialism.

Collateral accords will be fatal for bailout aid.The collateral fiasco reflects
the bailout fatigue that is spreading in Northern Euopeans.This fuels support
for political parties opposed to aid to PIGS.The bailout for the Cradle of
Kleptocracy is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the
October-18 Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, incivility,
stupidity, charge stacking, and junketing.according to Global Tax Revolt.The party's leader Timo Soini rejects Europe's
stupidity of preventing a Greek default.Greeks apparently believe that they
have Europe and the world over a barrel, that they can make the rest of the
world pay their bills by threatening full default.The Cradle of Kleptocracy's
full bankruptcy would be painful for everyone, but for the world, the
alternative would be even worse.

If politicians in PIGS and elsewhere think that their bills will be picked up by
taxpayers in other countries, they won't control their spending and they won't
sell off a*sets to pay off these debts.Countries such as the Cradle of
Kleptocracy have to be convinced that they will bear a real cost if they don't
fix their financial houses while they still have the a*sets to cover their
debts.The real problem is the incentives we are giving to other countries.We
have to make sure that kicking the can down the road isn't an option.

Graecokleptocrats love the Greek debt crisis, because it takes the attention of
Greeks away from the myriad scandals of the Greek government, such as the
Siemens scandal, the huge kickbacks for purchasing defect military equipment,
defect trains who do not fit the rails, churning the retirement funds of poor
workers to generate commissions and kickbacks, airplanes that cannot keep
balance, submarines that bend, swaps of prime state land with questionable
monastery land, and so it goes.

Far from resolving the debt crisis, contagion continued after the summit and the
European Central Bank began buying Spanish and Italian bonds.Divisions over
collateral contributed to a further slump in Greek bonds with the yield on the
country's two-year notes topping 48%.The first step to recovery is accepting that you have a problem.In that case,
it's welcome news to hear more and more Graecokleptocrats talking about the
problems being brought on by runaway government spending, Marilizardism, and
political corruption.But just as an addict who claims to be on the road to
recovery bears watching, the real test comes after they've admitted there's a

What's at stake is ultimately, if you were to put this to the extreme, the
entire second rescue package for Greece by eurozone. The Fourth Reich bailout
of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because the October-18 Mafia
continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel,
Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.

Of course, some socialists are still in denial.Indeed, they'll even claim
they're not spending enough and kickbacks are normal commissions of doing
business with government!This is a particularly common cry from
Graecokleptocrats and special interest groups that claim to represent the
disenfranchised and the marginalized.October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth!Civil
society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of October-18 fiasco,
initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of Greece.That's
why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!

Merkel faces a growing tsunami in her coalition over the bailouts of Greece. Her
Free Democratic Party coalition partner opposes the start of a permanent EU
bailout mechanism.The October-18 Mafia's spending is over last year's bloated
levels, the deficit is bigger than ever, and it has utterly failed to meet the
promised sell-off of government a*sets.Not a single public bureaucrat has been
laid off so far.

Total bankruptcy would be God's gift to the Cradle of Kleptocracy, because
Greece needs a real shock and awe to recover from political corruption.And it
looks like God will manifest his benevolence pretty soon!A bankruptcy will also
bring the much needed revolution to get rid of Graecokleptocrats.

The sooner Graecokleptocracy totally defaults, the better it will be for all
concerned.The bigger the haircut, the worse the pain that follows.The damage
being inflicted on Greece is very masochistic.When defaults within the
eurozone are accepted, a sensible analysis about how to fix the euro can begin.

The Cradle of Kleptocracy can pay its debt by selling off shares the government
owns in publicly traded companies and much of its real estate holdings. The
October-18 Mafia owns stock in casinos, hotels, resorts, railways, docks, as
well as utilities providing electricity and water.But Greek unions fiercely
oppose even partial privatizations.Blackouts are promised to dissuade the
government from selling of even 17 percent of its stake in the Public Power

Finland responds to the criticism from its EU partners, by offering to broaden a
collateral deal to include other nations who might want similar protection.
Extending the deal could blow up the rescue plan, and EU must avoid excessive
collateralization in the Greek bailout.It's getting very tight in terms of the
time lines.

Banks cannot participate voluntarily in illegal acts, such as fiduciary
imprudency. Bank directors are committed to bank's welfare, and not the public
interest. If bankers waive outstanding debts at the expense of the bank, this is
a breach of trust and punishable by law.All those bankers, that IIF claims plan
to participate in rollovers, might go to jail for violating the fiduciary duty
of prudency!October-18 Mafia pressures the banks to participate, but it really
opens Pandora's box.

Marilizardism is the death cross of Greek treasury bonds.Some European banks
haven't sufficiently written down the value of Greek government bonds they own.
Banks and other financial institutions are valuing the bond holdings in a way
that, in some cases, reflects internal models instead of market prices.It is
hard to imagine that there are buyers willing to buy these bonds at the prices

Governments and banks in the 27-nation European Union are negotiating the
details of a second international rescue for Greece.On July 21, EU leaders
agreed bondholders should contribute about 50 billion euros.Marilizardism has
created a liquidity black h*le for all Greek investments.

Don't be fooled by any bounce of the marilizardist dead cat. Valuing bonds is
an area that quite clearly needs to be addressed, because historically there has
been a perceived lack of consistency in how the a*sets are valued.International
accounting rules prioritize the use of quoted prices in active markets over the
use of valuation models developed using internal a*sumptions.

Never catch a falling marilizardist knife.BNP Paribas and CNP Assurances were
among the institutions that had write downs of Greek government debt considered
too small.BNP Paribas wrote down its Greek government-debt holdings by 534
million euros on Aug.2, the same day it reported a 1.1 percent increase in
second-quarter profit.The EU aid plan requires investors to take a 21% haircut
on holdings that mature by 2020.
[zeezal] Latest Photographs In Beautiful Model Bipasha Basu

Malaysian-Inspired Pork Stew with Traditional Garnishes

Malaysian-Inspired Pork Stew with Traditional Garnishes by Amanda Hesser.An amazing compilation of more than 1500 recipes, this elegantly bound book soon became splattered and worn.

This weekend I wanted something spicy and untraditional.I wanted to chart new virgin food territory in my kitchen so I settled on the Malaysian-Inspired Pork Stew with Traditional Garnishes.This curry is definitely a combination of Indian and Thai spices, yet infused with a flavor unique to Malaysian food.With hints of curry, cayenne, garlic, ginger, mint, basil and lime, the spicy uniqueness of this curry radiates through the pork and infused coconut milk.

As always, I use 100,000 heat units of cayenne pepper.I also used a Hot Indian Curry, which lends more depth to dishes.

I served it with Trader Joe’s Brown Rice Medley brown rice, black barley and daikon radish seeds.В  The nuttiness of the brown rice with the heartiness of the black barley and flavor from the daikon lent a meatiness to the meal that made it complete.

Malayasian-Inspired Pork Stew with Traditional Garnishes

The Essential New York Times Cookbook

By Amanda Hesser

October 20, 1999: «Anatomically Incorrect: Decoding the Pig,» By John Willoughby and Chris Schlesinger

3 tablespoons minced garlic

3 tablespoons curry powder

2 tablespoons ground cumin

1 tablespoon paprika

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper, or to taste

2 pounds boneless Boston butt or picnic shoulders, cut into 1-inch cubes

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

5 tablespoons olive oil

2 red onions, thinly sliced (I prefer sweet white onions)

3 tablespoons minced fresh ginger

3 plum tomatoes, cored and cut into small dice


Four New Features of iPad with IOS 4.2 Software Update

Four New Features of iPad with IOS 4.2 Software Update
In the course of the formal launch О


Top 10 engineering colleges in Orissa 2011

Top 10 engineering colleges in Orissa 2011

Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Orissa, 2011

1) University College of Engineering В - RANK 1
Burla, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91- 663-2430211

UCE under Biju Patnaik University of technology is the top rated college in Orissa providing undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in engineering.Teaching mode and handling practicals are of high standards in the college.
Useful links:В

2) Institute of Technical Education & Research В RANK 2
SOA University, Bhubaneswar.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674- 2350181
ITER is the part if Siksha O’ Anusandhan University approved by UGC.The institute is dedicated to provide high quality education and is also known for their management system.
Useful links:В

3) College of Engineering & Technology (CET)В -В RANK 3
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2384110

CET possesses well equipped laboratory facilities and campus for students to deliver maximum outcome.Training sessions within the course curriculum is the most notable advantage for the aspirants.
Useful links:В

4) Silicon Institute of TechnologyВ -В RANK 4
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-674-2725448

This private institute is counted as top among private institutes in Orissa and one among the top list.They are destined to flourish this as centre for excellence in the field of engineering and technology.
Useful links:В

5) CV Raman College of EngineeringВ -В RANK 5
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2460693

The college offers undergraduate programmes in various branches of engineering and technology.The placement cell is highly effective in creating opportunities for students.
Useful links:В

6) National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)В -В RANK 6
Berhampur, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-680-2492421

This private institute provides best conditions for the growth of engineers and technologists.The industrial training and consultancy services help students to improve their future standards.
Useful links:В

7) Kalinga Institute of Industrial TechnologyВ -В RANK 7
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-674-2725113

Top quality infrastructure and lab facilities in KIIT made it one among the top colleges offering engineering and technology courses.Eminent professors and lecturers deliver informative sessions and ideas for healthy discussions among students.
Useful links:В

8 ) Aryan Institute of Engineering and TechnologyВ -В RANK 8
BARAKUDA, PANCHAGAON, KHURDA, Orissa.В  В  В Phone:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-В 09776209535

The institute is affiliated to Biju Patnaik university of technology and B.Tech and lateral entry B.Tech courses.They are also conducting supplimentary coaching cla*ses for better carrier options of students.
Useful links:В

9)В Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology (IGIT)В -В RANK 9
Sarang, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В + 91-6760-240371

Eminent instructors and high tech lab facilities in IGIT made it as one of the prime choice among aspirants in engineering and technology field.They offers bachelor and degree courses in the subject.
Useful links:В

10) Orissa Engineering College (OEC)В -В RANK 10

Bhubaneswar, Orissa.Ph:В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В +91-674-2541340

The college, affiliated to B.P.University, stands for quality education to nurture talents for the society.They hope to create professionals with responsibility and dedication.
Useful links:В

K and the days of summer

Just how uncool am I?

Just how uncool am I?

The documentary about Gerry Rafferty on BBC2 Scotland tonight was just wonderful.


Malice intensifies the pain

What is the basis for a medical malpractice case?

What is the basis for a medical malpractice case? As William R.Lane of explains, often a medical malpractice case involves a failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis of a medical condition.Sometimes doctors may not recognize issues going on with a patient, which result in a delay in diagnosis and an unfortunate delay in treatment of a serious medical condition.Other times doctors may misdiagnose something that's very clear and that they should have realized was going on with the patient.
Arrested Georgian photojournalists accused of espionage


My sexy photos.

My sexy photos.

So I am back in LA for a couple days, to pick up our chocolate lab Max who I am bringing back to Paris to share our really crappy little apartment in Paris.The minute I landed at Lax I got a call from my old former BFF Meghan, my roomate and the first woman I ever «tried out», Meghan is more into girls then boys, I on the other hand was just going through a post catholic school girl thing rebeling against a mother who cried when Glen Beck went off the air and who’s dream dinner guests are Satan, hitler, Sarah palin, Joseph Stalin and Dolly Parton (Hey, she’s from Texas)

Anyway, Meghan and I were friends until Marc came into the picture, and I figured out I like girls, but I want to be married to a boy, this didn’t really sit well with her especially when she figured out my non-lesbianality was permanent.That’s when our «friendship» came to a screeching halt , she deleted me off myspace, twitter, Facebook, linked in, burned the birthday gift I had given her (a Yanni cd, yes, she listens to yanni) and started dating a six foot 238 lbs woman named Frank.

So today Meg called me to tell me that her latest roomate had moved out and while she was cleaning she found a photo album I had left behind when I had left the apartment back in’07 and I told her I would be by to pick it up.

My friend Jean marc (who I once called Apple Boy because he used to work at the apple store and now works at Bedt buy selling pc’s) was there to meet me in his old Volvo station wagon that always smells like cottage cheese.He had In N’ Out already for me (there is a serious In N Out shortage in France) and was ready to drive me anywhere I wanted.

I told him we were going to Echo Park, which is just east of Hollywood, near downtown LA, we were going to the first place in LA I ever lived, the place where I saw the bulk of my clients as an escort.

I wish for all of the women reading this to say that those were good times, but they were not, and I was not really looking forward to going back to the old place.

We arrived 45 minutes, one hamburger and one milk shake later, parked and went into to old apartment building.When Meg answered the door , I was surprised to see she had not changed one bit.Despite being bi, Meg and I both got into escorting at the same time, bit after all these years, she’s still screwin’ for dough.

She didn’t say much, just motioned for me to cone into the house.

I still had no idea what photos I had left behind.

«They are in your old room» she said , I went down the hall into the bedroom I had once occupied, my official escort «office», the bed was still there so was the lumpy matters I found on craigslist and had one if my clients haul it up the stairs.

I found the album on the bed, and went to flip through it.It was a bunch of very sexy photos Thierry (who I have since borken of contact with ling story) had taken of me when he suggested I get into escorting, though the girl in the pictures was not me, this was Isabella, the escort, the girl that began writing this blog.

I closed up the album and left it sitting on the bed.I knew it was time to go.

10 Ways to Overcome Difficult Sleep (suitable for experienced frequent insomnia)

First layout

First layout
Интересная ссылочка

News: New AC Adapter for Toshiba Satellite PA-1650-21 19V 65W

News: New AC Adapter for Toshiba Satellite PA-1650-21 19V  65W
Pavitra Rishta 14th July 2011 | Zee Tv drama Pavitra Rishta 14-07-2011

CineSkates Camera Sliders

CineSkates Camera Sliders
A new innovative project called has CineSkates has started its journey on the Kickstarter website looking to make the jump from concept to production.CineSkates are a unique design that allows you to add wheels to the legs of a GorillaPod Focus tripod.

Providing a new and unique way to keep your digital video stabilised when recording but also provide new ways to enhance your creativity.If the concept seems a little strange to you, watch the video after the jump to see the CineSkates Camera Sliders in action and how they can be used.CineSkates have been developed by Justin Jensen a mechanical engineer and keen photographer from Austin, TX.Jensen now requires pledges to get the idea off the ground.So if you think the idea is something your photography and film making would benefit from jump over to the Kickstarter website to make a pledge.
More information's:

CineSkates Camera Sliders:

A private rant

A private rant I have very mixed feelings about the MS Society as for me they have done nothing, they actively banned me from their boards through fictitious and false claim, by members that use the board as a social network.I myself was only interested in gaining information and debating things with others of interest, plus having a bit of a laugh at the same time.

I didnt go quietly no, why should I, after such unfair treatment.But then on the other hand if they hadn't of tried to silence me (the users that is) this blog would not exist.So hey ho perhaps unknowingly they did me and others a big favour.

So thank goodness for the short sighteness, nice one.

{ * InsideFun * } Small Lake Courthouse Towers - Images &amp; Detail

SnuzNLuz Alarm Clock Donates Money Unless Killed

SnuzNLuz Alarm Clock Donates Money Unless Killed Not killed in the sense that it’s destroyed, but killed as in the person wakes up and turns it off.Such is the genius of this WiFi-enabled gadget from ThinkGeek.In case you’re still wondering about the name, it’s a corrupted for of Snooze and Lose.People who actually buy this must be afflicted by an extreme case of attraction to beds.

The SnuzNLuz works by configuring it with an online account (yours) through a PC-connectable jack or WiFi.From then on, the SnuzNLuz operates like a normal alarm clock until it rings its infernal alarm.Ignoring its cries brings forth its wrath: Small amounts of your money get automatically donated to an NGO you don’t care about.Pretty terrible, considering that NGOs are usually a*sociated with certain groups that are just sitting on piles of money, using the excess funds for a few small projects somewhere.Should your hard earned cash go to them?

While this method will likely upset a lot of people, we believe nobody is sane enough to actually invest in a SnuzNLuz.Unless of course, the person is a chronic late waker-upper.The SnuzNLuz might then come in handy as a motivational tool to overcome the sluggishness.
More information's:

Ruling Coalition Party Supports Dialogue with HAK, Confirms its Representatives


Electronics: Toshiba Camileo X100 Full-HD Camcorder (Silver/Black)

Electronics: Toshiba Camileo X100 Full-HD Camcorder (Silver/Black) 3.0-Inch LCD touch-screenWith the Camileo X100 you can enjoy state-of-the-art technology with a choice of 1080p/30fps* or 1080i/60fps* High Definition Video and take 10MP sharp photos.Zoom into astounding detail.Get in close with the 10x optical zoom and 10x digital zoom with video stabilization and relive your experience on the 3-inch touch-screen LCD.Get the shot with 4 different recording modes: Macro mode for close up shots, motion detection mode for surveillance, slow motion for sports, and time elapse mode.Never miss the perfect moment!The internal 4 GB memory offers room to capture countless precious moments or use SD/SDHC memory cards up to 32GB (not included).Each 32GB card will record an estimated 5** additional hours at 1080p or 12 hours at the low
[xeefun] L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel Los Angeles California

Tom Shows Up in Shotgun Groom and an Interview with Joel, Tom and Dave Larson

Tom Shows Up in Shotgun Groom and an Interview with Joel, Tom and Dave Larson

Please note: The story excerpt below is a rough draft.В  I did not proofread it before I posted it.В  It is for enjoyment purposes only.В  My editor (the English teacher/journalist/award winning author) will go through this story with a fine-tooth comb when I am finished with the first draft.В  I’ll take care of errors at that time.В  :D

Taken fromВ Chapter Eight of Shotgun Groom:

AprilВ returned to Sep who waited for the stranger at the open door.В  As the rider approached, she tried to get a good look at him, but it was hard to do that when he was bundled up in a coat and had a hat lowered over his head, probably to protect him from the bright glare of the sunlight as it bounced off the snow.В  Glancing at Sep who placed the gun against the coat tree, she wondered if this was going to be good or bad.В  Sep looked back at her, his expression as uncertain as she was sure hers was.В  They turned their gazes to the rider who stopped in front of the porch and tied his horse’s reins to the post.

The blond man appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties.В  He bore a striking resemblance to Joel, and that worried her.В  She and Sep might manage to get Joel to a preacher if he was alone, but if one of his brothers came to get him, then there was no way she and Sep would succeed.

Thankfully, Joel was still upstairs fixing a h*le in the wall.В  Maybe they could deny Joel was even there.В  It might get Joel’s kin to back off long enough for her to get married, and then once the vows were exchanged, it didn’t matter what his kin did; the marriage would be a done deal.

«Good morning,» the blond said as he took off his hat.В  «My name is Tom Larson.В  I’m Joel Larson’s brother, and Doctor Adams is concerned that something bad happened to him during the storm we had two days ago.В  Did Joel make it out here to check on your child?»

April swallowed the lump in her throat.В  This was it.В  She had to lie.В  Even if it was wrong, she had to do it for the sake of her family.В  Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Sep spoke up.

«Yes, he made it, but then he left and we haven’t seen him.»

April swore her heart stopped beating in the tense moment that followed.В  Would Tom believe Sep?В  Would Tom want to come into the house and see if they were lying?

«Hmm.» Tom glanced at his horse.В  «Did Joel happen to say where he was headed before he left?»

Sep shrugged.В  «I a*sume he’d go back to town, unless Doctor Adams sent him to check on another sick person.»

«Dave checked the route Joel usually takes to town, and he didn’t see him,» Tom said thoughtfully.

«Dave?» April asked.

«Our brother,» Tom replied.

April’s gaze turned to Sep.В  Another brother.В  Clearing her throat, she asked, «How many brothers do you have?»

«There are four of us boys all together.» Tom put his hat back on his head and smiled.В  «Well, thank you.»

Just as Tom turned to go down the porch steps, Nora ran over to the doorway and cried out, «Joe!»

Shooting a frantic look in Sep’s direction, April let out an uneasy laugh and picked Nora up.В  «No, sweetie, that’s not Joel.» She patted Nora’s back and told Tom, «You two look a lot alike.В  If it weren’t for the age difference, I’d swear you were the same people.»

«You’d be surprised by how often we hear that one.» Tom chuckled and indicated to Nora.В  «She’s as cute as a button.В  Reminds me of one of my little girls.В  Have a good day, and I’m sorry to have troubled you.»

As Tom stepped down the porch, Nora stretched her arms out.В  «Joe!» April had to restrain her from jumping out of her embrace.В  She had no idea Nora had become so attached to Joel in such a short time.В  He really did have a way with children!

Sep was in the process of closing the door when Joel called out he was almost done.В  Sep paused and Tom turned back to them.В  April silently cursed her luck that Nora had to yell out for Joel when she did.В  If she’d waited just a few more seconds, they would be in the clear.

Tom narrowed his eyes at them and returned to the doorway.

«I can explain,» April quickly said, her eyes pleading with him to hear her out.

«Be careful on what you say,» Sep warned her before he took Nora and rushed for the stairs.

Taking that as her cue, she motioned for Tom to come into the house.В  «Please hear me out first?»

His gaze went from the hallway to her and to the parlor couch.

«It’s important,» she added, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice but not sure she succeeded.

After a tense moment pa*sed, he took off his hat and wiped his feet on the rug by the door before he sat on the couch.В  Placing his hat on his knee, he said, «Alright.В  What is my brother doing here and why were you lying about it?»


I can’t giveВ the wh*le story away,В but I wanted to show how Tom was able to wiggle his way into the plot after all.В  I wasn’t sure if he would, but he insisted I try the scene again.(I failed the first time.)В  I rearranged a few things and sure enough, it worked.В В NowВ to discussВ Joel’s upcoming wedding,В Joel, Tom andВ Dave Larson agreedВ to come in for an interview!В  Dave hasn’t shown up in the storyВ yet, but he will later.В В The only reason Richard didn’t show up is becauseВ he’s busy packing for hisВ move back to the East to be with his wife’s family.В  Sorry guys, but I have no desire to keepВ writing him, Amanda or their kids into the stories.В  There will be a family Larson get-together later in the book when they say good-bye to Richard and his family.В Okay.В  So to start this off, we’ll see what Joel has to say

Ruth: Joel?

В Joel: Are you kidding me?В  This is what was going on downstairs when I was repairing that h*le in Sep’s bedroom?

Ruth: What are you doing with a cell phone?

Joel: Reading what you wrote today.В  I like to find out what’s going on behind my back, even if I can’t do anything to stop it.

Ruth: Okay, so if this wh*le wedding thing is so horrible for you, why are you dressed up?

Joel: This is all I could find in the old trunk that April and Sep’s father had.

Ruth: *rolls eyes*В  Sure, Joel.В  Keep on lying to yourself.В В  We all know you want to get married but you’re too proud to admit it.

Joel: I’ll have you know the look of shock I have in the picture above is for real.

Joel: This book isn’t over yet.В  I’ll figure out a way to get even with you for this, Tom.

Tom: Oh come on.В  April’s story is so sad.В  How can you not want to help her out?В  Any reasonable man wouldВ step in to save the day and marry her.В  Besides, she’s a looker.В  Of course, my wife is, too.В  I wouldn’t have anyone but Jessica.

Joel: This isn’t about you, Tom.В  There’s no reason for you to be in the story, except to bother me.

The Wrong Husband

Joel: Some favor.В  You’re running off to find the man who’ll chain me to April for the rest of my life.

Ruth: Chained?В  You have a picture of her in that cell phone.

Joel: I took it by accident.В  I meant to take a picture of the repairs I did by the parlor window.

Ruth: You have two pictures, Joel.

Joel: So the phone shoots pictures at the wrong time.В  It’s a faulty phone, and that means you aren’t paying me enough to partake in this tragedy.

Tom: Tragedy or triumph?В  This is a major triumph.В  I, for one, can’t stop reading it.В  This is literature at its finest.В  I can’t wait for that dramatic moment when you’ll cry as you mutter out the infamous words «I do.» I’m going to print that page off and post it on my wall.

Joel: I’m not going to cry.В  Men don’t cry.В  I might have something in my eye, but I won’t cry.В  Seriously, Ruth, why couldn’t you have Dave come looking for me instead of my clumsy brother?В  And speaking of which, did he bump into anything or get April’s hair caught in one of his coat buttons?

Tom: Ha, ha.В  You are soooo original.

Ruth: Tom was very graceful in the scene.В  You don’t give Tom enough credit, Joel.

Tom: Exactly.В  I was nervous around Jessica.

Joel: Oh yeah, your anniversary is coming up in April.В  I’ll have to send her the funeral bouquet like I do every year to express my condolences.

Tom: Ruth, can I please hold the gun to JoelВ so he has to say his vows when the blessed event occurs?

Joel: When is Dave going to show up?В  I bet he wouldn’t have headed off to find someone to *gags* marry me.

Tom: Yeah, Dave?В  Where are you anyway?В  Your name is in the subject line of this post.

Joel: You wouldn’tВ run off to find someone to force me to marry April, would you?

Dave: I would have gone upstairs to get your side of the story.В  I don’t jump to conclusions like Tom does.

Tom: Conclusions?В  April is terrified.В  That Lou character is bad news, and Sep is too young to take him on.

Dave: While that might be the case, I’m sure there’s another solution.В  I don’t see why Joel has to be forced into doing something he doesn’t want.

Joel: That’s what I’ve been thinking the wh*le time, Dave!В  Who is going to believe April’s only recourse is to marry me?В  That’s why this story is doomed for complete and utter failure.В  I’m telling you, those 1-star reviews and angry emails are going to pile up.В  I’m starting a campaign on this.В  Want to join in?

Dave: Let’s not go overboard there, Joel.

Joel: Overboard?В В Ruth’s also working on Isaac’s story.В  She’s going to have him elope with Emily Craftsman.

Dave: She’s doing what?!

Joel: Oh, you don’t like that one, do you?В  It’s always different when you’re the one in the hot seat.В  Yeah, your oldest son is going to make you part of Neil Craftsman’s family!В  You just wait.В  I believe it’s going to be around what chapter eight or nine when Isaac marries Emily without telling you in Isaac’s Decision.

Tom: What’s wrong with that?

Dave: You’ve got to be kidding me, Tom!В  You know what Neil did to Mary.

Eye of the Beholder

Dave: You make it a habit to visit him?

Tom: No, but that’s because I’m busy with Jessica, the girls, and the farm.В  I do good to make it to our family get-togethers.В  Ever since you banned Neil from helping with the harvest, I rarely see him.

Dave: I didn’t ban him.

Eye of the Beholder

Dave: It wasn’t a death threat exactly.

Tom: All I know is level-headed, «let’s get two sides of the story» Dave can be one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met when it comes to Neil Craftsman.В  So don’t judge me for making Joel marry April.В  April will be good to him, and seriously, who can ignore the biggest benefit of marriage?В  There’s nothing like the honeymoon stage.

Joel: Whoopie.В  *rolls eyes* My honeymoon involves the crazy guy in the book coming after me to kill me.В  I signed up for the medical profession, not law enforcement.В  Can’t Owen fill in for me on those parts?В  You know, like a stunt double or something?

Ruth: Sorry.В  You do all your own stunts.

Joel: Figures.В  I get no breaks in this book.

Ruth: Well, that’s it for this interview.В  I’m sure we’ll be seeing more.of these brothers in the future, esp.when Dave discovers his son ran off with Emily.

Dave: About that

Ruth: Got to go!В  Books don’t write themselves.

K and the days of summer

Women and their Fathers

Women and their Fathers

My father and I weren’t close.В We didn’t have father and daughter talks but I still remember how he used to be particular about my personal hygiene and that I ironed my clothes for school.В He used to feed my guinea pig when I neglected to and he bought a kite for me to fly on Easter Sunday.В He is the reason why I like Easy listening music and enjoy movie cla*sics.В I remember him showing me how to fry an egg.В I remember him making breakfast sometimes.В I also remember him spending time with me.В He used to take the family on outings and to the drive-in movie.В I also remember the day he chose to leave when my mother gave him a choicestay for my sake or leave.В In retrospect, I realized that it would not have been fair for him to remain in an unhappy marriage for my sake.

He and I haven’t been in touch for a while.В I wish we had a closer relationship and that he was enthusiastic about knowing his grandson.В All in good time, I guess.В I have often wondered about how her relationship with her father affects a woman.В Laura Ingalls had a close and loving relationship with her father.В She even planned to marry him when she grew up.В One of my co-workers has two daughters whom he adores and I have no doubt that these girls will grow up and have healthy relationships with men.В They have a good role model in their father.

I watched a program once about a woman who later joined the Brooklyn Tabernacle choir.В She never really knew her father.В He left when she was a child and she always had the sense of loss.В No matter how old a woman is, she is always that little girl whom her father abandoned so many years ago.В She is always the little girl who believed that her Daddy didn’t love her.

On The Oprah Winfrey Network, I watched a program where this woman was crying because she never heard her father say that he loved her.В Her father explained that he grew up in a family that never expressed their love for one another so it wasn’t something that he could easily do with his own child.В I was amazed at how years later, this woman still yearned for her father’s love and how much hearing him say it would validate her as a person.

I read this article about adult women and their fathers and what struck me was how easy it is for some women to pick out Father’s Day cards and how difficult it is for others.

Many adult women remember a childhood with a father who was caring and supportive, a man who shared their dreams, validated their successes and encouraged them to persevere following failures and setbacks.These women will have no difficulty picking out a Father’s Day card and signing it «with love.» Other women have unhappy memories of fathers who failed to provide love and support.Understandably, these daughters are ambivalent about thanking theirВ unavailable fathersВ for what they did not give.

Around this time of year, these adult daughters often find themselves «forgetting» or even consciously ignoring Father’s Day.Most adult women fall between these two poles.They have some fond memories of dad, but they also recall disappointments and conflicts.These women may experience considerable ambivalence regarding how they will respond to the expectations generated by the holiday.

For me, it is hard trying to find a card that is suitable for my father.В On the other hand, it’s really easy finding a card for my husband whom I believe is a great father to our son.В It’s too bad that his daughters are missing out.В They don’t keep in touch with himnot bothering to call him on his birthday or on Father’s Day.В This hurts me because he is a good father.В He continues to do his part where they are concerned, buying birthday and Christmas gifts every year.В  I feel sorry for his daughters because a fatherВ plays a crucial role in his daughter’s life.

As Sarah Simms Rosenthal,В Therapist, В Author,В TheUnavailableFather.comВ  points out, «fathers are important to women.Psychological research and clinical practice indicate that a good relationship with one’s father is crucial to the young woman’s development of high self-esteem, and to the maintenance of a confident attitude toward the challenges of life.One’s father provides a model for how to interact with the world at large, including the willingness to set high goals and compete hard to achieve them, and for the value of honesty and integrity.A father provides his daughter with a model for how men should act, in particular for how men should treat women.Therefore one’s father has a crucial role in shaping the choices an adult woman makes when it comes to the choice of a partner.»

There are some fathers who are protective of their daughters and want the men in their lives to be worthy of them.В There are fathers who find it easier to relate to their sons than to their daughters.В And then there are fathers who are physically there but emotionally there for their daughters.В My husband lost his father when he was a child so he didn’t have the relationship with him that he is now able to have with his son.В His daughters have the opportunity to have a relationship with him that other women are not able to because they never knew their fathers either because they died or they left.В I wish these girls would do right by their father and reach out to him.

If your father is still alive, I encourage you to mend your relationship with him if it is strained and let him know how grateful you are that he is still in your life.В Life is too short.В Don’t let your differences keep you from enjoying a relationship with each other.В I read some sad stories of women whose fathers were not loving, supportive or even kind.В They ridiculed them and caused them to struggle with low esteem.В One woman wished that her best friend’s parents would adopt her.В If your father is still alive and you are still hurting over what he has done in the past, talk to him about it.В Get these feelings off your chest.

Fathers, let your daughters know how much you love them.В No matter how old they are, they still need to know that you appreciate them and are proud of them.В For those of you who have healthy, loving relationships with your fathers, count your blessings.В There are many women out there who would love to be in your shoes.

Source: В

lebron james mother

Adoption Update

Adoption Update Three adoptions this week.В  Martini was adopted Thursday and two of the Fine Wine Kittens, Pinot and Reisling, were adopted together today.That calls for a celebration.В  So, how do we celebrate - martini or wine?!!В  Or catnip for the kitties?В  Well, I think the latter is the winner.
Malice intensifies the pain

Anesthesia Oral Board Review: Knocking Out the Boards

Anesthesia Oral Board Review: Knocking Out the Boards

The accreditation process for anesthesia in the United States is considered one of the most difficult in all medical specialties, with residents required to pa*s both an oral and written exam to gain certification.This book is specially designed for the American Board of Anesthesiology Oral Examination.The evidence-based approach is presented in a concise outline-oriented format, with an emphasis on test results and visual images.The Knockout Treatment Plan demonstrates the correct method of managing the case to the satisfaction of the examiners, while the Technical Knockout sections give additional tips for successfully pa*sing the examination.The straightforward format of this book makes it suitable not only as an oral review book but also as an introduction to anesthesia rotations for medical students, medical interns, and nurse anesthetist students; furthermore, the book can be used as a technical study guide for anesthesia residents.More than 100 topics in this book have already been board-review tested by residents.

Amazon Sales Rank: #261938 in Books Published on: 2009-10-30 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Binding: Paperback 366 pages

Review "Overall, this review compares favorably with other oral board study aids.Chapters are well organized and provide succinct information in a digestible format that can be quickly read." --Doody's Review Service About the Author Dr Jessica A.Lovich-Sapola is Assistant Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and Director of Pre-Surgical Testing in the Department of Anesthesiology at MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio.

The client more useful to 2 of 2 people found this review helpful.With great help study concise, precise, has bruixitta all the essentials for me to study the best help I found 2 of 3 people found this review helpful.Better preparation available ....From Star anesthesia Without a doubt.The most accurate and current review of the book board out there Action for the preparation of such reviews for the real thing.The book brought together all the esoteric concepts to concrete examples I've read was like the cases I saw in my tables.0 of 0 people found this review helpful.Good Quick Review Of osme02 This book is not complete, but it is a good review faster.The topics we cover are formed bullet points which is great for just before the test.I spent the two weeks before the test in April 2011 and was satisfied with my results.The best material is still pretending to study oral with your friends!See all 4 customer reviews ...

Malice intensifies the pain

Cat saves owners from heart attacks and strokes

Cat saves owners from heart attacks and strokes

Owners of cats are much less likely than others to suffer from cardiovascular disease.This is evidenced by studies of the University of Minnesota.At the risk of the owners of cats to die from cardiovascular disease by 40 per cent lower than those who do not is the owner of these animals.Doctors can not yet tell how the cat had a positive impact on the health of the owners, adds a "Lighthouse".However, scientists have suggested that these animals have the ability to reduce stress in their hosts.

10 Ways to Overcome Difficult Sleep (suitable for experienced frequent insomnia)

4 Ways to Improve Your Soccer Skills

4 Ways to Improve Your Soccer Skills is a very intense sport that requires adequate strength and power.A weight training program not only improves performance, but decreases the chances of injury and improves body mechanics.Chosen weight training exercises should mimic or directly improve sport-specific abilities.Because soccer is an explosive sport, most of the exercises included in a soccer weight training program should be performed explosively.
Walking Lunges
The legs are the most important part of the body for soccer.Walking lunges strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and quads and requires each leg to work independently of the other, ensuring that each develops adequately.This is similar to how the athlete has to work while running or kicking a ball.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.Take a large step forward with your left leg and drop your right knee towards the floor.Make sure that you remain upright.Stop your knee just short of touching the floor, then drive forward off your left leg to stand back upright.Repeat again, alternating between stepping with the right and left legs.To add intensity and develop your core, you can hold the dumbbells over your head.
Single Leg Deadlifts
The single leg deadlift develops the strength of your hips, glutes and lower back, while again requiring each leg to work independently.Stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent and hold a dumbbell in each hand.Bend forward at your hips while keeping your back straight.Reach down and touch the floor in front of you, then extend your hips and return back to an upright position.Complete a set with one leg before switching to the other one.
Squat Jumps
Squat jumps build leg power, which is necessary during soccer, such as when you are raising up to head a ball.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.Hold a dumbbell in each hand, or if you prefer, wear a weighted vest.Squat down into a quarter-squat, and then immediately jump as high as possible, extending your hips, knees and ankles all at the same time.Be sure to land with soft knees, allowing them to bend slightly as you make contact with the ground.
Medicine Ball Overhead Smash
The medicine ball overhead smash mimics the movement that a soccer player uses when throwing in a ball from out of bounds.Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a weighted medicine ball with both hands.Bring the medicine ball up and hold it over your head.Step slightly forward with one leg, then explosively bend forward at the waist and throw the ball as hard as possible against the floor in front of you.Pick up the ball and gather yourself before moving on to the next repetition.

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Another Trooper That Should Be Fired

Another Trooper That Should Be Fired Cla*s action suit says Florida Highway Patrol illegally tickets motorists who warn others about speed traps

Tampa, Florida -- When the Florida Highway Patrol pulls someone over on the highway, it's usually because they were speeding.

But Eric Campbell was pulled over and ticketed while he was driving the speed limit.

Campbell says, "I was coming up the Veterans Expressway and I notice two Florida Highway Patrol Cars sitting on the side of the road in the median, with lights off."

Campbell says he did what he always does: flashed his lights on and off to warn drivers coming from the other direction that there was speed trap ahead.

According to Campbell, 60 seconds after pa*sing the trooper, "They were on my tail and they pulled me over."

Campbell says the FHP trooper wrote him a ticket for improper flashing of high beams.Campbell says the trooper told him what he had done was illegal.

But later Campbell learned that is not the case.He filed a cla*s action suit which says "Florida Statue 316.2397" -- under which Campbell was cited -- "does not prohibit the flashing of headlights as a means of communications, nor does it in any way reference flashing headlights or the use of high beams."

However, the FHP trooper who wrote the ticket either didn't know or didn't care."You could tell in his voice he was upset," Campbell says."He was professional, he wasn't rude...but you could tell he was irritated."

However, the lawsuit says the FHP is well aware they are wrongfully applying the state law and they are doing it as a means of generating revenue. In 2005, a court order was even issued saying the state law doesn't prohibit the flashing of vehicle headlights.

Campbell isn't the only one.Since 2005, FHP records show more than 10,429 drivers have been cited under the statute.

In addition to seeking the refund of the $100 ticket, the lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $15,000.

Campbell says he felt as if the trooper thought it was a personal affront.According to Campbell, the trooper did not like the fact somebody was ratting him out.

The Florida Highway Patrol says it can't comment because of the pending lawsuit.

Campbell says FHP had no right to ticket him or anyone under the current law and he adds the agency is not being honest when it says it doesn't write tickets to increase revenue or punish people, but rather to get the motorist to slow down on the highway.If that were true, Campbell says the FHP should be delighted with him, because drivers did slow down before troopers could give them a ticket.

The suit evolved out the fact that Campbell says "I don't like what the government is doing especially now when most people have a hard time affording gas and now they have to defend themselves against a made up charge that doesn't exist."

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When police asked the elder child where their mother was, he pointed up the street and replied: в

Spending OPM

Spending OPM
By J.Derbyshire
As you were.I have a new candidate for the title: Somalia.Its current population is listed as 9.3 million, but it seems to me that number must be declining fast by emigration.In Britain, the USA, and the other Anglosphere nations, there seem to be Somalis all over.
Here’s one: Mr.Saeed Khaliif.I should actually have said «here’s ten,» as Mr.Khaliif has a wife and eight children.(Though eight is only our best estimate.No one seems to know the exact number.)
The Khaliifs arrived in Britain three years ago as refugees from Somalia.In their three years of residence, neither has had paid employment, nor have they learned to speak English.What they have mainly spent their time doing is gaming Britain’s welfare system.Most recently they have moved into a seven-bedroom house in tony West HampsteadEmma Thompson lives nearby.The house is worth $3.2 million.Monthly rentpaid for by British taxpayersis $13,000.
Here is another Somali, Mrs.Hailmo Bokh of Memphis, Tennessee.«Somalian Woman and 11 Kids Call Memphis Home,» reads the headline.
To America’s shame, Mrs.Bokh and her kids have not been given a seven-bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, only a three-bedroom apartment in a middling neighborhood.Like the Khaliifs, though, the Bokhs will be fed, clothed, and educated courtesy of native taxpayers.«The Catholic Charities of West Tennessee will help them get on their feet in Memphis,» says the news story, but that’s disingenuous since: (a) CCWT gets at least half its revenues from government grants (see Part VIII here); and (b) as soon as they cana few months at mostCCWT hands off refugees to the general welfare system.
We learn that Mrs.Bokh’s husband is still in Africa.They hope to get him over here soon.Perhaps he could stop off in London on his way to pick up some tips from Saeed Khaliif about how to play the welfare system.That would have the Bokhs in a nice Beverly Hills mansion in no time.
The Bokhs are at least not as bereft of a work ethic as the Khaliifs.CCWT a*sures us that the eldest son, age 20, will get a job, one that’s «maybe menial in nature, but he will provide for the rest of the family.» Jolly good luck to him with that.The official unemployment rate in Shelby County (home to Memphis) is 11.1 percent.
It’s the same all over the Anglosphere.Kathy Shaidle laid out the situation of Canadian Somalis here on Taki’s Mag a few days ago.(Kathy only had space to cover homicide, terrorism, drug-dealing, and female genital mutilation.Here’s a rapist to round out the picture.)
Australia?TIME magazine reports that «An estimated 16,000 Somalis have found refuge in Australia since the beginning of their country’s civil war 17 years ago.» Well, they should be pretty well settled in, then.How are they doing?«Unemployment remains a huge problem.» Oh, dear.Why is that?
Dr.Berhan Ahmed, chairman of the Melbourne-based African Think Tank, an organization dedicated to a*sisting African refugees, says outdated policies are responsible for migrants’ struggling in Australian society.Unemployment remains a huge problem.Ahmed also cites the practice of putting refugees into troubled government-owned housing complexes or high-rise apartment blocks «where often the drug dealers are who want to recruit the kids.»
See, the Australians need to adopt the British practice of giving the Somalis a nice house in a posh neighborhood.Then their kids would all be brain surgeons and software entrepreneurs in no time!
That TIME story, by the way, is mainly concerned with a police sweep last week in Melbourne to round up terrorists.«The police claim they had foiled a suicide plot by Al-Shabaab supporters to storm a Sydney military base and kill as many soldiers as possible.» (Al-Shabaab is a Somali Islamist group.)
Somalis and terrorism go together like Hindus and spelling bees.The chap who tried to blow up the city Christmas-tree-lighting ceremony in Portland, OR, last year is, yes, a Somali refugee, one of over 100,000 the USA has taken in since the early 1990s.
As the resident New Zealand watcher for Taki’s Mag, it would be remiss of me not to check in with the Kiwis on this.How are their Somalis doing?New Zealand has settled about 4,000 Somalis, and they have already made their markwith, for example, New Zealand’s first-ever plane hijacking.
Now look: Any population has a lot of variation, and I have no doubt there are many law-abiding and industrious Somalis.When you take in 4,000, or 16,000, or 100,000, though, the law of averages is going to kick inas it kicks in unmistakably in Somalia itself.Human-capital-wise, the Somali averages are simply terrible.

Things are rough in Somalia: chronic civil war, recurrent famine, disease, piracy.Private persons who are distressed by the Somalis’ plight should by no means be discouraged from doing anything they can think of to relieve the distress over there. The reason nations have governments, though, is to protect and advance the interests of their own citizens.How the interests of Americans, Britons, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders have been advanced by having thousands of Somalis settled among them is not clear to me.В 
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SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety. (Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article): An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News Reviews

SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety. (Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article): An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News Reviews

SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety.(Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article): An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News This digital document is an article from Clinical Psychiatry News, published by International Medical News Group on March 1, 2002.The length of the article is 609 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety.(Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article)
Author: Carl Sherman
Publication: Clinical Psychiatry News (Magazine/Journal)
Date: March 1, 2002
Publisher: International Medical News Group
Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Page: 17(1)

List Price: $ 5.95

Price: $ 5.95

SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety.(Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article): An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News

Orignal From: SSRIs highly effective for pediatric anxiety.(Psychotherapy an Option).(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)(Brief Article): An article from: Clinical Psychiatry News Reviews

Pavitra Rishta 14th July 2011 | Zee Tv drama Pavitra Rishta 14-07-2011