activists, three journalists and three crew members.Six of the activists are
French, including a French Communist Party member.They have been joined by a
Tunisian, a Greek, a Swede and a Canadian.One of the journalists works for
Israel's Haaretz daily, and the other two for al-Jazeera.
From Ankara to Brussels, the condemnation of the only longstanding democracy in
the Middle East is always swift and unequivocal.The United Nations, the
European Union, and the Arab League engage in a frenzy of denunciation, even
before all the facts are established.Israel continues to be the U.N.'s favorite
whipping boy.In the past four years, three quarters of the resolutions pa*sed
by the U.N.Human Rights Council (HRC) have condemned Israel.Israel always
faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to order not for Germans to find shelter and food.The rest of the ships in the
propaganda flotilla remain detained in Greek ports.Greece offered to forward
the aid to Gaza through its own resources, but the activists had not taken up
the proposal, because it would lose its propaganda value.
Israel is a bastion of freedom and Graecoroman culture, an economic miracle, and
a leader in science and technology.Israel is the only free country in a region
dominated by Arab monarchies, theocracies and dictatorships.It is only the
citizens of Israel, Arabs and Jews alike, who enjoy the right to express their
views, to criticize their government, to form political parties, to publish
private newspapers, to hold free elections.
When Islamists deny the most basic freedoms to their own people, it is obscene
for them to start claiming that Israel is violating the Palestinians' rights.
All Muslims who are genuinely concerned with human rights should, as their very
first action, seek to oust their own despotic rulers and adopt the type of free
society that characterizes Israel.Land-for-peace is a repugnant formula for Israel's self-immolation.The right of
a civilized nation to self-defense against its barbarous enemies is a moral
absolute.It should not be surrendered in a vain attempt to appease the
initiators of war. It is a moral perversion to demand that Israel give back the
very land it captured in the process of defending itself against wars launched
by the Arab aggressors.
A criminal has no right to protest the justice of having his guns confiscated by
the police, and particularly not a criminal who continues to underwrite acts of
crime.And the worst of the land-for-peace policy is that it caused Israel to
give the Palestinians their own domain, with the job of protecting against
terrorism entrusted terrorists.
When Israel ended its occupation of Gaza, it did not impose a blockade.Indeed
it left behind agricultural facilities in the hope that the newly liberated Gaza
Strip would become a peaceful and productive area.Instead Hamas seized control
over Gaza and engaged in acts of warfare against Israel.These acts of warfare
featured 10,000 rockets directed at Israeli civilians.This was not only an act
of warfare, it was a war crime.
Israel responded to the rockets by declaring a blockade, the purpose of which
was to a*sure that no rockets, or other material that could be used for making
war against Israeli civilians, was permitted into Gaza.Israel allowed
humanitarian aid through its checkpoints.There was never a humanitarian crisis
in Gaza, merely a shortage of certain goods that would end if the rocket attacks
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