This layoff is taking its toll on our family.I think the financial stress is the main barrier to my otherwise usually positive outlook, especially in times right now when so many traditional schoolers are surrounding us and hurling accusatory questions and a*sumptions in our direction.Why is it okay for them to do this, again, when it’s apparently not for me to do it quid pro quo, or over their spanking or smoking or whatever else?I’ve been on the «fringe» receiving end of such vitriolic spewage, whether it was for my weight or my religion or whatever, but for some reason when it comes to parenting, it feels the most personal, the most hurtful.
I was definitely better at handling this stuff when I wasn’t the sole breadwinner, we weren’t so behind on bills, and we had an extra $1,200 or so a month!Please keep your fingers crossed that my husband will get a job soon, and be sure to send any leads you might know of our way.
With that out of the way, here are a few things I’m loving this week
~ footage ~ Family Game Night coming up
~ A dizzying number of field trips and playgroups to attend; we’re having to choose which ones to go to and which to skip because there are literally things every day (and the main concern people seem to have is over the socialization?)
~ Gobstoppers while I’m up late working
~ A new babysitter and a date next weekend!
~ Guillermo del Toro’s newest, ~ Wood Sprite’s love of Sly and the Family Stone and Journey
~ My husband’s homemade fries
~ Having gas in the car, when we have it
~ Letting things go, when we can
~ The few nights of sleep without nightmares
~ The brighter days
~ Fall is coming!
Turning the Corner
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